McMaster Bachelor of Health Sciences Society
Welcome Week Coordinator
Meet Your 2020-21
My name is Ajay Gandhi and I am running for the position of BHSc Welcome Week Coordinator!
Some responsibilities of the Welcome Week Coordinator include; facilitating the welcoming of first years and transfer students, organizing faculty events during welcome week, and training BHSc student representatives known as “Pathogens”.
Why am I running?
One of the key factors to running in this election is being able to give back to the Health Sciences community that has provided me with an endless amount of positive nurturing experiences. I know that this position will allow me to grow on a much deeper level and give more direction to my path. I am not yet committed to healthcare and would like to uptake opportunities that allow me to explore my passions for entrepreneurship and networking.
Who is this guy???
Besides the fact that I am in my 2nd year of Health Sciences and specializing in Child Health, I am a 6ft tall man (a whole unit) born and raised in Mississauga. My passions include cooking, baking, writing poetry, singing, and dancing – especially in the mirror and before showers. I absolutely love to go on spontaneous adventures with new and old friends alike. If you’ve seen me around, you probably know that I am a very extroverted person, generally always smiling and full of energy. I love talking to others and positively adding onto their day – it gives me energy! Please feel free to reach out to me in person or over social media.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AjayForWWC
Instagram: @ajaygandhi_
Hi Wolfpack! My name is Amanda Jack (AJ) and I’m in second year. Some fun facts about me are that I’m on the Mac swim team and love all things Disney.
I’m running to be WWC because my first-year Welcome Week experience is what turned my perception of McMaster from a university to a home; I want to pay this experience forward by supporting first-years and fellow reps throughout the Week and continuing later into the year.
My main goal as WWC would be to increase pathogen-first year bonding throughout the year to help maintain the relationships formed during welcome week and provide the incoming class with our continuous support! Examples of this could be board game nights, skating, and campfires – these could be in collaboration with the incoming first year council.
Additionally, I wish to expand the “You, Me, BHSc” event by opening an anonymous question form regarding any concerns the incoming class may have during the summer before Welcome Week. Therefore, these questions can be answered at the event even if they are not asked in-person.
Finally, I would keep the executive positions that were recently created so that there is a focus on multiple aspects of Welcome Week. I would place further emphasis on the Wellness Executive roles to better advocate for student well-being during a very exciting and sometimes overwhelming time. I’d also try to maintain the pathogen-bonding that was established during the most recent Welcome Week since a close team makes for a better week!
Hi there! My name is Josie Kearney and I am beyond grateful to be running for Welcome Week Coordinator for the class of 2024. Thank you for taking the time to read this little blurb about my vision for Welcome Week 2020 💙
Every student comes into BHSc with different lived experiences, hopes, and fears, however, there is one thing that unites us all; we are all members of the BHSc Community! Welcome Week is a vital time in which incoming students begin to discover what our community means to them. My hope is that through this role, I would be able to ensure all students feel at home in the Wolfpack.
My campaign is built on three pillars, each of which encompasses the things I hope to advocate for if elected. Below you’ll find a very brief overview of my platform, but you can check out my Facebook page for a more detailed plan!
✨Accessibility prioritized
✨Diverse Pathogen team to reflect BHSc’s diverse student population
✨Interfaculty Events
✨Training with involvement from EIO, PCC, Maccess, SACHA, and WGEN
✨Clear expectations and decision-making process for Pathogen selection
✨BHSc Queries revamp, including addition of subcommittee
✨BHSc-wide feedback and actually implementing it
✨ Defined plan for year-round support for first-years
✨ New and improved Wellness Wagon/Tent to prioritize self-care for Reps and first-years
✨ Peer support training for the whole Pathogen Team
✨ Emphasis on combating ‘Welcome Week Culture’ (no sleep, no breaks, etc.)
Hello everyone, my name is Angela Wei and I am very excited to be running for BHSc Welcome Week Coordinator 2020! Having had two incredible Welcome Week experiences, I would love to have the opportunity to make this WW the best yet!
Although I really enjoyed my WW experience as a first year, I found that being involved in the behind-the-scenes aspects as a Pathogen gave me a new appreciation for the event. Being able to participate and give input within the team left me feeling much more engaged and excited, which is what made my second WW experience so special.
As a WWC, I’d want to share this feeling with the first years and reinforce it within the Pathogen team. I want to increase the involvement of Pathogens when planning WW events and rep training. I would also like to revamp the way we communicate with first years by creating a larger social media presence, specifically on Instagram. Drawing inspiration from other faculties at McMaster, I would like to use this page to post updates throughout the summer, cheer tutorials to create more hype for WW, and create a centralized platform where the WW schedule can be easily accessed. By engaging more first years and Pathogens in the weeks leading up to WW, more people would get the chance to feel a greater sense of connection to events and we would get a head start on building the sense of community that is so special in BHSc.

Hello everyone,
My name is Vipul Gupta and I’m so excited to announce that I will be running to be your 2020-2021 Welcome Week Coordinator. My main goal as WWC is to implement an all-encompassing, diverse, and exciting week for the incoming first years.
Here is a very brief summary of what I’ll be advocating for and implementing if elected as WWC:
Pathogen Selection
Ensuring full transparency by releasing clearly defined criteria/expectations regarding decisions for the selection of the pathogen team.
Involve WWC from other faculties to reduce biases.
Have different written applications for new and returning pathogen candidates.
Communicate with past WWC on pros/cons on past selection processes.
Improve promotion of the Wellness Tent as a space to unwind for both reps and first years.
Have an online platform for students to anonymously ask questions or address concerns.
Open the lounge for first year students to drop-in or set an appointment to talk to someone.
Welcome Week / Events
Revamping Faculty Day
Increase the number of inter-faculty events so first years can form relationships outside their program.
Keep “You, Me, BHSc” so students can talk to reps about their preconceived notions about Health Science.
Continue the role of pathogens post WW to reconnect with the first years.
Be sure to check out my Facebook page for more details on my platform points. Also, please don’t hesitate to send me a message with any questions/concerns/suggestions, or simply stop me in person and say hi!
- Vipul Gupta
Hello friends!! My name is Shubhreet, and I am running to be one of your Welcome Week Coordinators for WW 2020!
Here is a condensed summary of my platform's 3 Ps of Welcome Week:
Transparency & reducing bias: Providing complete breakdown of selection process post-tryouts to applicants, anonymizing written submissions, having executive team provide conflict-of-interest lists
Representation: Recruiting capable individuals who reflect the identities and personalities of BHSc/McMaster community
Collecting & implementing feedback: Opening feedback form regarding WW 2019 to first-years, contacting past WWCs and individuals involved in prior WW activities for constructive feedback
Task delegation: Continuing Antipodies & subcommittees with leaders, designing breathable schedules for reps and first-years
Activity options: Evaluating and improving current programming, revamping Tropic Like It’s Hot & emphaszing interfaculty-love events
Self-care: Expanded role of wellness subcommittee (ex. continuing wellness cart & tent) & new wellness space for Pathogens in lounge, anonymized form for first-years to request support/resources, ensuring accessible alternative options for high-energy activities
Upper & first-year connection: Coordinating with BHSS Internal to connect buddy-pairs prior to WW, reintroducing online "New Declassified Wolfpack Survival Guide" in combination with Meet Your Pathogens/BHSc Queries, increased guidance in “real-talk” bonding
Maintaining friendships: Facilitating interfaculty events where first-years can reconnect, having Faculty Day/Trip on the Grand groups reconnect during the year
Academic and extracurricular support: Organizing Pathogen presence at NOCATs/OCATs and chemistry midterms, coordinating with BHSS to advertise BHSc-based extracurriculars
Check out my Facebook page for more information!: https://www.facebook.com/shubhreetWWC2020/
Hey, didn’t see you there! I’m Benjamin Larocque, a 2nd student running to be one of your Welcome Week Coordinators.
As a first year, I found Welcome Week to be exciting but overwhelming. To be honest, there were times where I felt like I needed a break from all the action. Although it was mainly a positive experience for me, in the months following I also felt like I had missed out on an opportunity to get to know my peers, and felt alone.
I decided to use these personal experiences to shape how I approached being a Pathogen. I prioritized the wellbeing of myself and others, as well as making the 1-on-1 connections that proved to be so important to me when I needed extra support in my first year, making sure to emphasize that it’s okay to not always feel okay.
I continue to use these guidelines to shape how I approach every day as a BHSc student, and would do the same as your WWC. To reflect these principles I’ve come up with 5 main focuses for my platform:
BHSc-wide Involvement
Lasting Culture
Year-round Support
I’ll be expanded upon each of these focuses on my Facebook page throughout the campaign week. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, I’d be happy to talk to you there, on my personal Facebook, or in person!
Thanks so much for taking the time to read mine, and my fellow candidates’ platforms!
Benjamin Larocque