McMaster Bachelor of Health Sciences Society
Introductory Organic Chemistry
Sun Jun 03 2018 15:43:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Class Size:
Not Podcasted
Offered Semesters:
When to take it:
Dr. Harrison
No Course Outline Available
Tutorial Size:
2E03 is the easier orgo, with a slightly less demanding workload and no labs. I would recommend taking this course if you are interested in learning the basics of organic chemistry, but do not require it for professional schools/graduate studies. WARNING: 2E03 is not a prerequisite for any other orgo courses, and it is an antirequisite for 2OA3... so consider your options before choosing which orgo course to enrol! In terms of structure, there were 3 lectures per week, with an optional tutorial where TAs went over practice questions. Like any demanding course, you have to stay on top of the material. Going to lectures solely is not enough, but with persistence and practice, you can definitely succeed in this course. In our year, if you did better on the final than any assessment throughout the year (2 midterms, 2 assignments + clicker participation), the prof made your final 100% of your final grade + boost.