McMaster Bachelor of Health Sciences Society
An Introduction to Ancient Myth and Literature
Tue May 29 2018 13:29:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Class Size:
Not Podcasted
Offered Semesters:
When to take it:
Kathryn Mattison
No Course Outline Available
Tutorial Size:
I absolutely loved this course in first year - the professor was an amazing lecturer/orator, and the course content was incredibly engaging and interesting (as the name implies, the course goes through a bunch of really key pieces of difference genres of literature from the Ancient Greeks and Romans, looking at the use of mythology and literary techniques along the way). However, this course is far from a "bird course" and does require you to keep up with a lot of readings every week, as well as be comfortable with constructing essays/written works for assessments. As with any course requiring writing, there was a lot of subjectivity with marking, so speaking with your TA during office hours in regards to what they are specifically looking for would be a good idea.