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Global Citizenship

Tue May 29 2018 12:52:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Class Size:
Not Podcasted
Offered Semesters:
When to take it:
Fall Semester
Liam Stockdale
No Course Outline Available
Tutorial Size:


This class is so enjoyable if you put a bit of work into it! It definitely requires some interest into the content and it is a bit dependent on the TA, but i loved it! It's marked on a midterm, a final, an essay, 3 blog posts, and tutorial participation. It sounds like a lot, but the tests are super straight forward if you go to lecture, he phrases questions like he talks. As for the writing, you have total freedom for what you want to write about so you can explore areas your interested in which makes it really easy! Try to form a connection and talk to your TA or the prof since it will definitely help you mark. Participate lots in tutorial as well since its an easy mark! Also he offers bonus marks for running the twitter, sign up early since its a 3% mark boost!

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