McMaster Bachelor of Health Sciences Society
Discovering Research in Immunology Today
Sat May 26 2018 22:45:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Class Size:
Not Podcasted
Offered Semesters:
When to take it:
Dr. Carl Richards
No Course Outline Available
No Tutorial
This course has a lot of scientific writing, but it is truly rewarding. Personally, I found the course content very intriguing and absolutely loved the way the content was taught by McMaster researchers in the field of immunology sharing their own experiences and expertise. There are questionnaires you must complete when you attend the lectures, which are not difficult at all! It's just to ensure you attend classes, however you are able to skip 4 without a penalty. Additionally, you are challenged to write 4 abstracts throughout the semester, for which various prompts are given. I found the abstracts quite rewarding as I was challenged to condense my knowledge and understanding into 300 words. There is no final exam in this course, however there is a big group project at the end (which was super fun!). Overall, I absolutely loved this course and it made me realize that immunology is my passion! I would recommend this course for anyone who is looking to practice their hand at scientific writing and those who are interested in learning more about the fascinating intricacies of the immune system as they pertain to current research.