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Artistic Explorations of Community Issues

Sat May 26 2018 22:45:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Class Size:
Not Podcasted
Offered Semesters:
When to take it:
Hartley Jafine
No Course Outline Available
No Tutorial


In 2AE3 class time is centered around discussion and group exploration, which was in my opinion the perfect way to learn about arts based research and its applications! There were readings expected to be completed before coming to class, but they were not too lengthily and were all very interesting. The evaluations consisted of participation, class facilitation (a presentation and discussion), creative project and final paper. This is a very special course in which students are able to apply what they learn directly to problems within our community and work towards making a change. Because of the nature of the course I would discourage people from taking it just because they would enjoy the format (i.e. no exam) but rather to take it if they have an interest in or are curious about arts based research and working towards solving problems in our community.

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