Child Development
Tue May 29 2018 13:23:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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When to take it:
During a lighter semester
Jennifer Ostovich
No Course Outline Available
A very interesting course with fair evaluation. Pretty long classes that are necessary for attendance, unless you use the notes on LL (use them, trust). All multiple choice: 2 midterms and a final. Not podcasted, and you need to read the textbook unfortunately. Prof is pretty good and engaging. The course is a good mix of memorization and application. If you took PSYCH 1X03 in the past, that will be a big help (although I didn't).
- two midterms (30% + 30%) - final exam (40%) - no quizzes or assignments - no tutorials but you can post on discussion board on Avenue to Learn - TA's are always responsive, other students in the class are pretty responsive too - night class once a week (this may change, i'm not sure) - assigned textbook reading that is not taught in class (some textbook content tested) - this is the only studying/homework you really have to do - would recommend doing the readings every week instead of cramming - super interesting content if you are into psych (i.e. found the development part of intro psych 1x03 interesting) - questions are focused on application which some people find tricky, but as long as you pay attention during class it's fine, and it's good because the course is not focused on memorizing rote facts but actually applying concepts