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Introduction to Music Cognition

Fri Jun 08 2018 04:36:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Class Size:
Not Podcasted
Offered Semesters:
When to take it:
Dr. Michael Schutz
No Course Outline Available
No Tutorial
Course Outline


A super interesting course! It looks at both the science and social aspects of music with a lot of application involved. The lectures were very interesting (2 per week, one 1 hour long and one 2 hours long) but unfortunately pretty mandatory to attend due to his tendency to make very barebones powerpoints. Dr Schutz is a pretty engaging professor, and most of the TA's are very helpful and reasonable. Evaluation was 2 midterms (all short answer), a 5 page paper, and an exam (same format as midterms). To do well, you HAVE to read the textbook, and pay attention to the diagrams drawn in class - you'll have to draw a lot of them on tests. This probably won't be your hardest or most time consuming course, but it could be your most interesting!

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