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Hey Wolfpack! My name is Lauren Heessels and I am so excited to be running for BHSS Chair for the upcoming school year!


I know these past few years have been hard as we have had to transition to an online environment and then back again to in-person. With all of these changes happening, I want to be able to hear your concerns and understand how I can best support you. These constant transitions have shown me how resilient our student body can be, and I want to continue to up-lift your voices. As Chair, I would act as the connection between faculties and my goal would be to continue transparency and communication between the BHSS and the student body. 


I have been a part of BHSS for the past 3 years and got the privilege to be your social coordinator this past year. I have been able to work alongside some amazing people and have first-hand experience on how the BHSS runs and how I can continue the amazing work of the people before me. Whatever this upcoming year will bring, I hope to strengthen our community, bring us together and show our BHSS spirit!!



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Hey BHSS! I am campaigning to be your financial coordinator for next year. I hope to work with the other BHSS representative’s budgets to help organize and promote events on and off campus!


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I’m Ayesha Umair, a Level II BHSc (Hons) student, and I am excited to run to be your BHSS Communications Coordinator for the 2022-2023 year!


The main idea of my campaign is to:

  • Embrace change

  • Promote accessibility

  • Appreciate community


As someone who has been part of the BHSS Communications Team for 2 years, and has spent a significant portion of my undergraduate experience online, I’ve seen how many changes our student body has had to go through. I want to aid our transition back to in-person, with insights that we’ve learned from the pandemic. Using this platform idea, I want to exemplify change within the community. 


Throughout online learning and during the ongoing transition, we have been mindful of accessibility issues. Learning and extracurriculars have been flexible to accommodate for changing needs. Let’s carry this attitude forward for the next year. The BHSS Communications Team must continue to be open to feedback, appreciate the community, and bounce back to in-person events by providing initiatives that are accessible to all. Finally, being on campus opens up so many opportunities for collaboration within and outside of the BHSS. As communications coordinator, I want to achieve my campaign pillars while working with other BHSS members and also promoting inter-faculty connections. By seeking partnerships beyond BHSc, we can improve the experience of the entire student body.

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Hi Health Scis! My name is Lana Abu Narr and I am excited to be running for Communications Coordinator for the 2022-2023 year! I have many new ideas that I would like to integrate to ensure that everyone stays updated on BHSS initiatives and resources! 


My platform consists of three points: 


Accessibility: Improve the accessibility and utility of the BHSS website  

  • Keeping the BHSS website constantly updated and evolving to fit the needs of BHSc students   

  • Upload concise and comprehensive meeting minutes in a timely manner

  • Integrate resources from BHSc facebook groups into the website for ease of access and to make sure students do not miss relevant posts 


Feedback: Integrate student feedback into our initiatives and prioritized communications platforms 

  • Create feedback forms or social media polls to gauge the interaction and ease of navigating the BHSS website and our other communications platforms

  • Surveying students on their preferred method of communication and prioritizing most frequently used platforms  

  • This ensures that we are reaching the maximum amount of students possible and directing our efforts to the most effective platforms  


Initiative: Using feedback from the BHSc community and the communications team to create new projects that keep BHSc students in the loop  

  • Collaborate with a communications team to start posting:

    • Weekly Meeting Highlights on social media and Teams that convey updates regarding events and new initiatives quickly and concisely

    • Biweekly Resource spotlights outlining resources available to students whether they were wellness related, housing related, academic related, etc

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Hey BHSc Wolfpack! My name is Sricherry (Sri) Nannapaneni (she/her). I am running as your 2022/2023 BHSS Communications Coordinator!


My main responsibility in this role is to connect the students of BHSc together! This pandemic has been tough on everyone, but throughout the utilization of social media platforms, the official BHSc website, and active promotion of BHSc affiliated events, I hope to keep everyone updated with academic and extracurricular resources. 


As a transfer student from Western University, I know it can be difficult to navigate through classes, academic clubs, athletics, and more, so I want to make sure everyone is able to have the best possible experience and feel comfortable while connecting with others in our program/the general McMaster student body.


In addition to our well-established social media platforms and the official BHSS website, I will also attempt to connect fellow BHSc students with each other in their respective electives/classes through the usage of group chats and live Q&As. By facilitating google form sign-ups for electives and classes, I hope I can create smooth transitions and foster connections between students. 


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me, my inbox is open for any of your questions, comments, or concerns: 


Now let’s make the most of our undergraduate BHSc experience!


- Sincerely, Sri 💙



In my eyes, effective communication is the foundation of a strong community.

Throughout my time in the BHSc program, what I’ve appreciated more that anything else is the strong identity that we share. Through this program, I’ve been lucky enough to feel a sense of belonging. Which has given me a space to be myself and truly grow as a person.  As a result, I want to give back and further develop this community. 

Communications presents an effective way to fulfill this vision.  I hope to use our communications as a tool to provide students a community they can rely on. This can be done through some of the solutions I propose:

Expanding the Wellness Corner

  • Expand the wellness corner to provide students consistent posts about meditation, physical health, and other valuable information. 

Facilitating Communication Between BHSS and BHSc 

  • Provide BHSc students more opportunities to have their voices heard by BHSS executives so that we can plan initiatives that provide direct benefit to students.

Streamlining BHSS communications

  • Expanding the use of newsletters to provide resources and upcoming information on events from all branches of BHSS. 

  • Promoting cross-cohort communication through a BHSc-wide Discord server

Sharing Ideas and Inspiration

  • Highlighting interesting projects, or initiatives taken by BHSc students 


To see my in-depth platform breakdown, check out the link here. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, I’m always happy to reply!


- Vedish Soni


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Hey BHSc! My name is Olsen Chan (he/him) and I’m so excited to be running for BHSS Internal Coordinator! As your current SRA representative, I have substantial experience with student governance. From collaborating with BHSS on the ongoing upgrade of the BHSc Lounge to speaking with university representatives about a ban on major assessments following reading week, I am committed to improving the university experience for all BHSc students. Through my reflections and conversations with students from all years, I have developed the following platform:


1. Mentorship

  • Updating the Buddy form to also include high-school specializations (e.g., IB/AP), academic interests (e.g., CHS, psych minor) and post-BHSc plans

  • Introducing sign-ups in June to provide support to incoming students immediately following acceptances

  • Introducing a buddy rematch form 

  • Collaborating with Heartbeats to support first-years before FYC is formed

  • Increasing Buddy Events throughout the year (e.g., Dundas Peak Hikes)

2. Wellness

  • Inviting therapy dogs to campus

  • Adding a snack cart to the Lounge

  • Distributing care packages

  • Re-introducing ‘BHSc Real Talks’ to allow students to discuss hidden BHSc-specific concerns 

3. Support

  • Informing BAGs about monthly EOHSS updates & available grants

  • Increasing promotion of the Internal Committee Funding Initiative

  • Continuing improvements on the Lounge to provide commuters a study place

  • Introducing a Student Recognition Night with awards (e.g., BAG of the Year) to celebrate students’ contributions


Feel free to reach out if you have any questions and check out for my full platform. Take care!


- Olsen Chan

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Hello BHSc! I’m Reem Tehfe, and I’m running to be your Internal Coordinator! I hope to progress BHSS internally through several ‘updates’ to the current divisions maintained. As Internal manages the Buddy System, BAGS (BHSc-Affiliated Groups Directory), Internal Committee Funding Initiative (ICFI), and development of events to further connect cohorts, there is unexplored ground I hope to cover through both my time campaigning and as Internal Coordinator.

Let’s move along with the sticky note giveaways that currently take place on Microsoft Teams, and make it a reality within the BHSc Lounge! Making more personable connections, and putting a smile on someone’s face through a gesture as small as a sticky note on the wall. I also hope to overlap committees within the BHSS, such as working with Communications and Social to welcome the new batch of first years this upcoming academic year.

I am extremely excited to have this opportunity in running to be your Internal Coordinator, and would love to meet and work alongside you all! My experience this past year with Internal, Social, and SYC assure me that I am ready for this position.

Please check out my Instagram (@reem4internal / @reemtehfe) to get to know me more, and stay updated with more of my campaigning points that do not fit within a 250 word count :)

With so much (internal) love,


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Hey health sci! My name is Kenneth Chen (he/him) and I am so excited to be running to become your BHSS External Coordinator for 2022/23. 


As we gradually navigate out of this pandemic, I recognize the desire from so many of you who are eager to be involved in opportunities for engagement we have missed out on in the last two years. As a student who graduated from high school and began university completely online, I can relate to many of your experiences, or the lack thereof. 


While I understand we cannot get back the countless opportunities that we missed out on, I believe we can all come together to shape the best university experience possible for what remains of our short time here as members of this incredible BHSc community. 


This is the reason why I am running to be your External Coordinator. 


I want to lend a helping hand in this endeavour as we find ourselves in this unfamiliar yet promising landscape for us as university students. 


In the spirit of BHSc, I am optimistic that we can empower each other through various means for mutual involvement through what I call the “3 P’s” of my platform: 


  1. Promoting of inter-faculty engagement 

  2. Providing housing support

  3. Participating in the community


If you’re with me in this undertaking, I ask that you take a look at my complete platform here:


Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have!


-Kenneth Chen


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My name is Armaan Kotadia (he/him), and I am absolutely thrilled to be one of your Social Coordinator candidates. I'm currently in my 2nd year of BHSc Core and also have the pleasure to serve as BHSS Social Executive Fundraising Team Lead.  This year I have had the opportunity to work closely with the current Social Coordinators (Lauren and Michal) and with many talented BHSc students to plan both in-person and virtual events including this year's amazing formal: The Great GatsBHSc (buy your tickets now🤩)!


As Social Coordinator, my main priority would be to make our biggest event of the year, BHSc Formal, as affordable and accessible as possible! 


This is how I plan on making next year a ✨PARTY✨:


  • P - Passion💙

    • Running events that all cohorts are passionate about 

      • Which includes bringing back old BHSc traditions like Club Nights (BHScary 👀 )

  • A - Accessibility🤑

    • Reduced formal tickets cost‼️ 

      • Implementation of a financial aid program

      • Contacting outside sponsors and organizing fundraising events to lower the cost of formal 

      • Having the standard dinner + dance ticket option and also a more affordable dance only ticket option 

    • Increased venue capacity to allow for more tickets for BHSc students and guests

  • R - Relevant Experience🐺 

    • Been involved with BHSS Social since the beginning of my undergrad!

  • T - Teamwork🤝

    • Revamping Social Exec and Sub-committees

  • Y - You👁 



Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, my inbox is always open!



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Hi everyone! My name’s Athena Mancini (she/her) and I am SO excited to be running for BHSS Social Coordinator! The BHSc community has truly become my second home where I feel safe, supported, and valued. Given the privilege of being your Social Coordinator, I will foster a sense of community through innovative, exciting events. As we move away from quarantines and zoom calls, I’m determined to create countless opportunities to connect with those in our community and make up for lost time! A key component of my platform is increasing diversity of events. By doing so, each member of our community can attend events they are interested in and gain a sense of belonging within the wolfpack. After being a Social Committee member since first year and an exec this past year, I’m ready to make next year the most HYPE!!!!!



  • Diversifying events

    • More “chill” events so everyone finds an event that appeals to them

    • Promoting student wellness through events 

  • Addition of a wellness subcommittee 

    • “Wellness Wednesdays” sharing self-care tips 

    • Monthly “Self-care Sunday” events

  • HYPE in-person events!!! 

    • Club nights

    • Trivia and game nights

    • Movie night, BHSc picnic, painting night (conducive to social distancing)

  • Amplifying student voices

    • Google forms to get ideas for events YOU want to see

    • Voting to gauge student interest for events

    • Anonymous feedback forms

  • Connections within and beyond BHSc

    • Interfaculty events (escape rooms, competitions)

    • Collaborating with Internal Coordinator for more BHSc buddy events


Stay tuned for more info and for pics of my dog <3 

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HEY HEALTH SCI! I’m Jazz Walia (she/her) and I’m beyond excited to be running to become one of your 2022/2023 Social Coordinators. As one of your social coordinators, I plan on revitalizing BHSc’s social scene one step at a time! After suffering 2 years online, it’s time to get bring back classic BHSc events and give everyone the events they’ve so dearly missed out on :D Stay tuned to my campaign to learn more about my campaign 💫💫


This year has been the first in which large-scale in-person events have returned. As one of your social coordinators, I hope to give everyone the opportunity to foster community, spirit, and provide the absolute most entertainment by expanding our program-wide social events. Working under this year’s social committee as a logistics lead has allowed me to learn the ins-and-outs of planning large-scale events such as BHSc Formal, and the understanding to see how important social events are in your university experience. As a result, I plan on bringing back events such as BHScary, Dundas Fundas, as well as other covid-stricken events. With your support, I hope to expand our array of social events, revitalize BHSc Formal, and give first years the best Faculty Night possible! 


To know just how exactly I’m going to accomplish this, check out my 3 major pillars: hype, consistency & action at @jazzforsocial on Instagram. My DMs are always open & I’m happy to answer any questions or assist in any way! :) That’s all for me, and remember, stay groovy Health Sci! 😎🤍💙

- Jazz W. 

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Hi Wolfpack! My name is Simrit and I am in my second year of BHSc Core. I am excited to be running for BHSS Social Coordinator for the 2022/23 school year:) As a program that fosters opportunity and cohesion, BHSc speaks for itself through its broader impact on the McMaster community and the compassion I have witnessed from its members. Personally though, it can be overwhelming to enter such a high sphere of academic excellence. From going to my first in-person tutorial to talking to random strangers on the bus, I didn’t necessarily experience a lack of social interaction after my arrival to Hamilton, yet the depth of my interactions was often superficial. Soon however, I found my people. Those I can ask for advice on, for instance, a good slogan for this campaign. The people whose Anki cards are trash but I will still end up using. The people who will save a seat for me in busy tutorial rooms, and those who randomly text me to ask how I am. These are my people. As BHSc coordinator, I want to play a role in creating atmospheres for you to form or strengthen connections with members of your community, so that you may experience the comfort in knowing that someone has your back. To learn more about me and my pillars, check out We all need our people and I would like BHSS social to be an avenue at your disposal to find yours:)

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I’ll keep this short - you already know my name. This past year, as a Social exec, Third Year Council Events Lead, and BHSS Financial Coordinator, I worked hard to bring you events like happy camp, dundas hike, bhscary, and formal - COVID took most of them away.😭 But Rona won’t beat me again. With your vote, we will have the greatest post-COVID breakout szn, ever . If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to me on IG (@taaha4social/@teehee_taaha) or on FB (Taaha Hassan). 




Hey Wolfpack :)


My name is Meerab and I am running to be your academic coordinator for the 2022/23 school year!!! As the academic coordinator this past year, I have received ample insight into how the academic committee functions, it’s different facets, as well as what can be improved to take BHSS academics to a new level next year. 😎


Platform points:


Research: The 2021/22 academic committee provided research resources and services that were highly sought after. I hope to continue providing these high-quality resources such as tip-sheets on research positions, scholarships, and project courses. I plan on enhancing our research mentorship program by collaborating with other programs within FHS to diversify the experiences and advice provided by mentors. 


Networking: Research events where students can connect with upper years and  professors within the faculty, inter-committee events and initiatives such as collaborations with the different year committees, internal committee etc. and continuation of peer tutoring services. These are all things I am determined to implement in the coming year so students in all years are actively building and benefiting from a variety of connections.


Awareness: The services and resources provided by our committee are only effective if students are aware of them. From diversifying the platforms via which we advertise (Instagram, Facebook, Teams, Email, etc.) to increasing the frequency of promotion, I am determined to ensure that every student in the program, especially the transfers and 2026’s are knowledgeable on the free and helpful resources available to them.

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HEY HEARTBEATS!! My name is Megan Robertson (she/her) and I’m absolutely thrilled to be running for Academic Coordinator for 2022/23. Over the past year, I’ve had the privilege of being one of the Academic Leads for the FYC, where I’ve helped support the first year cohort academically by creating study resources and hosting preparatory events. I recognize that school is very important to many of us; therefore, if elected, I will strive to do my utmost to help each member of the BHSc community achieve their academic goals by prioritizing the following three pillars: 


1. Support: 

  • Create interactive and informative academic resources —namely study guides and question banks—to support BHSc students in preparing for their evaluations. 

  • Provide a safe space for students to voice their academic concerns, and support them in coming up with an effective action plan to manage these concerns. 

2. Accessibility: 

  • Promote academic resources and events on various media platforms (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, and Teams) days in advance to increase engagement.

  • Integrate multiple avenues of attendance for events (a mixture of in-person and virtual). 

  • Create a centralized discord server to promote collaboration and communication between the BHSS academic committee and the academic leads of the four year councils. 

3. Mentorship: 

  •  Continue the peer tutoring service, whereby students who are struggling in a course can sign up to be matched with an upper level tutor. 

  • Organize Q&A sessions with BHSc alumni, where students will have the opportunity to ask them questions regarding their academic journey.  

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Hey Health Sci! I’m Sachi Chan (she/her), a 3rd year wild-type BHSc. I am so hyped to be running to be your BHSS Academic Coordinator (AC) for 2022/2023! After 3 amazing years with BHSc, I hope to give back to the community as Academic Coordinator with some of my ideas. 


My platform is based on three pillars: innovation, accessibility, and collaboration.


INNOVATION: As AC, I want to introduce new initiatives that I’ve thought about. Electives guides, featuring non-HTHSCI and HTHSCI electives. Unique Academic Opportunities, featuring exchange semesters, (research and non-research based) project course opportunities, and work-study programs. YouTube playlists, with concepts and practice questions for mandatory BHSc classes. 


ACCESSIBILITY: Everyone should always be up-to-date and be able to access all of BHSS Academic’s services. This includes making sure that review sessions are delivered both online and in-person, or creating a BHSS-Academics Teams channel for all BHSc students to stay up to date. 


COLLABORATION: I hope to bring attention to the non-BHSS academic organizations and initiatives happening around campus, so that all BHSc students are informed year-round about them. Some examples include MSU Academics, SSC Workshops, or even working with the BHSc Academic Office to collect feedback on academic resources. 


Feel free to reach out to me on my campaign platforms (Sachi4BHSSAC on Instagram and Facebook)! If you’ve read this far, feel free to reach out and tell me about your favorite TV show, Hamilton food spot or course you’ve taken in BHSc! 


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Hello hello, Wolfpack!! My name is Anika (she/her) and I’m thrilled to share that I’m running to be your second year rep! This past year as a member of our WONDERFUL Health Sci community has been so very rewarding. Whenever I’d start to feel alone, lost, and impostor syndrome would begin to cloud everything, our community’s support would pull me back out: be it a smile from one of you, the comfort of our lounge, all of us laughing (& crying :’)) through cell bio together. This year, all of you inspired me so much: I learned to be a kinder, more humble, and open-minded human. I’ll forever be in absolute AWE of the talents and gifts you all bring to our Wolfpack, and as your second year rep, I’d love to help you nurture those gifts that make you you (& I’d love to grow with you!). Even though COVID limited our FYC plans, I hope to go all out in the year to come!! 


I’ll always bleed blue with you. <3 




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Hello Healthsci!

My name is Regis and I’m excited to announce that I’m running to be YOUR Second YearRepresentative! This first year has felt like a wild, Giggles-induced ride for all of us, and it’s my hope that you will all be RECEP-tive to my ideas for next year!

As the Second Year Representative, I’m hoping to make some changes that’ll better our experience, no CAP. Well, maybe some CAP, as my platform centers around 3 pillars: Community, Academics, and Promotion. Our program is unique in its small size and group-based learning, yet so often struggled to develop the community feel it was known by. I hope to expand in-person events for next year, creating dialogue that is reminiscent of our loud, joke-filled Praxis session. These include themed-events, such as Winterfest and Halloween costume contests, but also community, year-round activities, be it a clothes exchange, open library, or game nights. On an Academic front, this means an expansion of practical academic resources, such as the continuation of question banks and the introduction of question submission folders, as well as having more fun academic events. Finally, I hope to increase outreach within our cohort, including better awareness of events, greater cohort participation in
open-discussions and suggestions, and some actual, exciting merch to set us apart!

With your voting and consideration, I hope to have the honour of representing our cohort, and make our undergraduate experience better, worthwhile, and meaningful - no CAP!

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Hello hello lovely health scis! My name is Mahnoor (she/her) and I am beyond excited to be running for the second year BHSS representative! This year has been truly a turbulent experience from zoom to in-person and a lot of cell-bio stress. But whenever things get rough I know that we have Chari’s wise words and each other's support to keep us going. This is exactly why I want to extend my hand (in hopes you accept it) and be as genuine with you all as I can to really show how we as a community (praxis flashbacks) are stronger than ever. 


The strength, leadership and knowledge that each of us have is phenomenal (and keeps surprising me day by day). I hope that in the coming year I can work to strengthen our cohort as a whole, and each of us individually by bridging the gaps between the student body and our program.


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I’m Charles Cai and I’m running(? nah I look like I’m drowning here) to be your Third-Year Representative. This is me “enjoying” the “refreshing” waters at Algonquin Provincial Park during my portaging trip two years ago (sorry for the good quality, and I DEFINITELY didn’t capsize). 

Why a 2-year-old picture? Because our cohort has been braving the COVID-19 storm (metaphorically – and cytokines too I guess) for 2 years despite all the restrictions. Now that restrictions are finally drifting away, it’s time to truly transition from online to in-person, and transitions are what I do best. Just like that canoe from my trip, I’m ready to flip over the past and sink into the future with BHSc. It’s time to steer the Third Year Council towards the embodiment of BHSc spirit – full steam ahead, 0 compromises and limits!

I’m talking about “refurnishing” our house system and anchoring more high-capacity IRL spirit events on-campus (if restrictions allow). Let’s bring back and host social events in-person – having MS Teams Anatomy trivia all the time just isn’t very social, y’know? As your Rep, we’ll be navigating talent shows, club nights, and perhaps even hiking socials (kinda ambitious, I know) but you get the message!

Just like how we love embracing uncertainty in inquiry, as your potential representative, I will embrace our cohort with open-mindedness, reciprocate your voices, and swimmingly welcome uncertainty for the upcoming year. Peep my campaign here: 

Cheers to a future year without restrictions,

Charles Cai


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Hello, my name is Adam El-Kadi and I am proud to be your candidate for the BHSS fourth year representative! Like many of you, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about next year and the importance it plays in shaping our memory of undergrad. 

The last 2 years need no recap. It was a script no one could have written. Some of us have learned to adapt to a new norm, others continue to try. As we enter the final chapters of this script, and our fourth and final year, I want to ensure that your last year is one marked with ease, support, and something big to remember it by. I know many of you will be either applying to graduate school or work, and I will be sure to support you through wellness events and get togethers and get your thoughts heard.

Though I may not have held BHSS office before, I have substantial experience organising and leading successful events that you won’t forget. As a co-president at Lorax for the past two years I ran events that gained much traction on campus and that you may remember such as MacMillionaire and Health Sci vs. Life Sci Family Feud. This year I am part of over 10 clubs around Mac attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the largest online Kahoot.

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